Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Humpback Whales


Humpbacks, who migrate from the cold waters of the north to the tropical waters of the south, travel quite a bit.  While the humpbacks are in the north they discover amazing amounts of food to devour.  In the course of the year they spend four extremely long months traveling from North to South, and eight months of the year consuming food and giving birth.  Interestingly Humpbacks that live in the Pacific Ocean alternate migrating to Mexico and Hawaii to their birthing grounds.  Humpbacks return north.  When they head back north the babies have enough blubber to survive in the cold northern waters.  Humpbacks travel even more than military kids.


The humpback whale’s history is amazingly sad.  Sadly it seems humans only love whales after they are nearly gone.  When people throw trash in the water and near the shore they are killing humpbacks.  People also killed humpbacks intentionally.  They killed them for their meat and oil.  From the oil they produced soap.  The meat, which was used to make cat food, is another reason the whales were hunted.  Because the whales were hunted they are now commercialy extinct.  The whales have a tragic history.

Humpbacks live in family groups.  Male humpbacks sing sweet songs hoping to attract a female.  The couple will romp together.  After that, they nuzzle and sing gently to each other.  Mother and baby humpbacks are guarded by an escort.  Secretly, other humpbacks will trail behind the escort wanting him to leave so they can take over. The male escort, who is very aggressive, will protect the mother and babies if they are in danger.  When they are in danger the male will lash the attacker with his barnacle covered tail and sometimes draw blood.  These family groups protect each other in the large open waters.    

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Alexander and The Mysterious Knot

retold by Mary Beth

Alexander who had conquered Asia Minor was heading toward Persia.  When stopping in Gordian, Alexander saw a gigantic knot in the center of Gordian.  The townspeople told him that whoever could untie the knot would be the next king of Asia.  Alexander desperately wanted power and untied the knot by slicing it in half.  Maybe because of the knot or maybe not, but Alexander conquered Asia and became known as Alexander The Great.                                   

My Adventure in Ulm

We went to the top of the tallest steeple in the world!  My family visited Ulm, Germany, and went to Ulm Minster.  I wanted to go to the top of its steeple.  Since you had to be seven or older, my dad bought tickets for Cory himself and me; and my mom and Riley stayed with Lucy who was too young.  Next we started up the narrow spiral steps.  As we were fifteen steps up my brother Cory chickened out so he went back to be with my mom and my sisters.  My dad and I continued fearlessly up the stairs, and we stopped at different levels.  At the second level we stopped to see the bell tower.   Inside the bell tower we looked down and saw four different bells.  While we were on the stairs after seeing the bells they chimed eleven O’clock.  Finally we were at the tippy top.  While at the top we waved at our family and took lots of pictures.  We also saw a wide river and the whole city.  I couldn’t wait to get back down to tell my brother, sisters and my mom how much fun it was.